
Secure login tips

Keep your DigiD safe and private. These tips help you to protect yourself against scammers and misuse of your data.

Never give your PIN code or login credentials to someone else. If you would like someone else to take care of your affairs online, use DigiD Authorisation.

Log in using at least 2 steps

protect your personal data even better, by setting up a second security layer. This is called Always log in by using at least 2 steps or 2 factor authentication. This way you always log in by using the DigiD app or SMS verification. This means you always need your phone to log in. 

DigiD gives you access to personal data. By always logging in using at least 2 steps, no one else but you has access to your personal data. Not even when they got your password. Using this feature will not store any data on your phone. 

Please note that many organisations will (soon) demand of you to log in with at least 2 steps. 

Go to My DigiDExterne link to activate Always log in by using at least 2 steps. 

Protect your DigiD

Protect your computer, smartphone and tablet