
Recognise a fake message

Fake emails or text messages with a wrong link are looking increasingly genuine. In this way, frauds try to get hold of your DigiD login credentials or bank account details. This is also called phishing.

Did you click on a link and filled in the information? Then go to DigiD login credentials stolen to find out what steps you need to take.

Characteristics of a fake message

  • Message that frightens. For example, it says that you must pay immediately or your account will be discontinued.
  • Link or QR-code in the message. 
  • The message is in your spam mailbox.
  • Message written in poor Dutch.

You can find examples of fake messages on the website of FraudehelpdeskExterne link

There is never a link or QR code in an email or text message from DigiD. Never click on a link or scan the QR code.

Notify DigiD of a fake message

Did you save the message? Then we would like to receive the message from you. We may not yet know the phishing website. We will have the website removed as soon as possible.

Forward fake message to DigiD: You can forward the mail or a picture of the text message to valse-email@digid.nl.

Then delete the message from your inbox and from ‘Deleted items’. Are you in doubt as to whether the email is fake? Then please contact our Helpdesk

DigiD message about a change 

DigiD sends you an automatic message when something changes in your account. For example, if you request a DigiD, activate your DigiD (app), change your email address or password, or if your DigiD expires after 3 years. This is a security measure. This is how we verify that it was you who changed something in your account.

DigiD employees will never ask you for your login credentials. 

You have not changed anything, but you still receive a message? Check whether your email address is used for the DigiD of, for example, a family member. That person may have changed something in their DigiD account.

Do you think someone has changed something in your DigiD account without your permission? Then please contact our Helpdesk.