
Help at a library

Would you like to learn how to use DigiD? Take a course at the library. Or ask your question in the library at the Digital Government Information Point. These are both in Dutch.

Information point Digital Government

Do you not want to follow a course, but do you want to visit someone personally for help? You will find a Digital Government Information Point in most libraries. Here you can go with your questions about the digital government and therefore also about DigiD.

Learn more about the Digital Government Information Point Externe link


Would you like to learn how to apply for a DigiD or how to use the DigiD app? Many libraries offer a Digisterker course to learn how to deal with government websites and DigiD. This course is for anyone with some internet experience. Even if you are not a member of the library.

The course usually consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours and is taught by specially trained teachers. In the course you will learn how to request, activate and use a DigiD (app).

Please contact your library or look for courses in your areaExterne link