How do I report a complaint?
The best way to do this is by phone or email. To do so, go to Contact.
What information does DigiD need?
- Please indicate that it is a complaint and state the reason for the complaint. For example, about your DigiD account, the DigiD app, DigiD when you are abroad, DigiD Authorisation or how you have been helped.
- Explain what did not go as you wished.
- If necessary, state the date and time of the contact.
- Please include your first and last name and phone number in the message.
How does it work from there?
After receiving your complaint, a Helpdesk employee will contact you by phone within 5 working days. We will discuss the complaint with you. Ideally, we will resolve your complaint immediately. If this is not possible, we will try to resolve your complaint within 6 weeks.
National Ombudsman
Are you still not satisfied with the handling of your complaint? You can then pass the complaint on to the National Ombudsman. They handle government-related complaints. The National Ombudsman is independent and impartial. See also the DigiD privacy statement.